Currently, there are 789 universities in India. These universities are classified into Central, State, Private and Deemed-to-be universities. Want to explore courses, fees, scholarship and admission process etc. of these universities to study in India.
Know MoreCanada’s 100+ public and private universities offer more than 15,000 programs at all levels and covering all fields of study Register to explore courses, fees, scholarship and admission process etc. of these universities to study in Canada.
Know MoreThere are total 136 educational institutions in UK including British universities, university colleges and higher education colleges.
Know More4,298 institutions listed by NCES, there were 1,626 public colleges and 2,672 private colleges. Explore courses, fees, scholarship and admission process etc. of these colleges to study in USA.
Know MoreThere are 43 universities in Australia (40 Australian universities, two international universities, and one private speciality university). Explore courses, fees, scholarship and admission process etc. of these universities to study in Australia.
Know MoreThere are a total of 426 higher education institutions in Germany, including 106 universities, 216 universities of applied sciences, 52 colleges of art and 16 theological universities.
Know MoreThere are approximately 780 universities in Japan, of which about 80 percent are private. There are also specialized schools and colleges that provide more vocational types of degree.
Know MoreFrance has about 80 state universities and plus 5 Catholic universities. Contact us to explore courses, fees, scholarship and admission process etc. of these universities and colleges to study in France.
Know MoreThe number of public colleges and universities in China amounted to 2,688. These included 1,265 universities and 1,423 higher vocational collages.
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